Indian Demographics: 10 Must-Know Numbers

India has a lot of people. In fact, by the time you read this, the Asian behemoth may have the largest population of any country in the world. And that means one thing—you should know a little about it. Here are some Indian demographics you can use to impress the next Indian you stumble upon, which statistically speaking should be pretty soon.


1.4 billion (and rising)

The population of India, which thanks to China’s all-too-successful experiments with birth control, has the former British colony atop the global rankings.



The annual population growth rate in India, a figure that continues to decline, making prior predictions of doom and gloom far less trendy. Of course, regional differences can be quite striking, with the impoverished state of Bihar far outpacing the hyperliterate Kerala.



India’s position on a list of countries and territories by nominal GDP per capita, despite being fifth when the number is expressed in absolute terms. Clearly, the massive population works against it in this regard.



The number of male births per 100 female births in India, a discrepancy that previously reached a peak of 111.2 due to sex-selective abortion. Fortunately, the backward practice is starting to take a back seat to logic.


28.7 years

The median age in India, compared to 18.6 in Nigeria, 38.5 in the United States, and 48.6 in Japan.



An estimate of India’s unemployment rate, which combined with the abundance of young (and potentially angry) men outlined above, always has officials on edge.



The proportion of India’s population that practices Hinduism, compared to 14.2% for Islam. While this divide is often the focus of news outlets, it should be noted that India is also known for its ethnolinguistic diversity, providing numerous other manmade opportunities for people to hate each other.


69.89 years

The average life expectancy in India. The same number is 55.02 in Nigeria, 77.28 in the United States, and 84.62 in Japan.



The adult literacy rate in India.


32 million

An estimate regarding the size of the Indian diaspora, spread across all continents (besides Antarctica) and proving that no one is safe from these South Asians.


And of all the Indian demographics, perhaps the most important is this: There’s probably an Indian restaurant right around the corner.

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6 Responses

  1. This article reminds me of a joke I heard growing up. Neil Armstrong thought he was the first man to walk on the moon. His excitement however was short-lived when he saw a Malayalee there running a small tea shop selling tea and snacks.

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