ComposeMD’s Humble Holiday Wish List

When you’re a blogger in Upstate New York, you don’t ask for much. Case in point—this humble holiday wish list.



A bacon cheeseburger with french fries will be considered part of a balanced, healthy diet.



Contrary to studies that point to alcohol’s carcinogenic potential, a new study will reveal that binge drinking actually helps prevent cancer. This would be cause for celebration—with binge drinking, of course.



The upper limit of an acceptable body mass index will be raised from the restrictive 25 to the more manageable 30, allowing everyone to take full advantage of #1 and #2.



Watching sports and playing fantasy football will no longer be a waste of time. In fact, they will correlate with longevity.



No one will be judged by whether they do the dishes and/or the laundry.



Extra-large hoodies will be the next fashion craze.



Gray hair and a pot belly will be considered attractive.



Sitting will be the new jogging.



Upstate New York will be considered trendy.



Blogging will be considered a good idea.


Here’s to our dreams coming true!

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14 Responses

  1. BMI doesn’t mean much so go ahead and have that bacon cheeseburger. Just have some brussel sprouts on the side and it will be a balanced meal😁. You are good with wishes number 1 and 3 😁

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