Top 10 Hints You Watch Too Much Football

When you give up 22 Sundays (and a few Thursdays, Saturdays, and Mondays) a year to watch a sport, you might have a problem. By the time you’re in your mid-forties, the damage could amount to 7,200 hours—also known as 300 days (or almost a full year of your life)—devoted to watching that sport. I’m talking, of course, about football, and here are 10 hints that you might watch a bit too much of it.



You can name the offensive linemen.



You start to weigh about as much as the offensive linemen.



You whine a lot about the price of chicken wings.



You’re still pissed that your daughter’s dance recital interrupted your fantasy football game.



You buy new gear at the beginning of the season. (Reminder: You ain’t on the team.)



Your wife tells you that you watch too much football.



You’re drunk every Sunday.



All your friends are drunk every Sunday.



You can’t actually throw a football.



You’re reading this.


Now grab yourself a cheeseburger and get ready for kickoff!

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